Thursday, December 15, 2011

Vacation tips - Days

Max 218 days working days (less is OK)
RTT 9-11 days. Depend on the number of the bank holiday that fall on the weekend.
365 - 104 (weekends) - 13 (French bank holiday) - 25 (Congé payé) - RTT =  ~218

Time workers: max 35h

RTT: 1st Jan - 31 Dec. Cannot bring to the following year. Otherwise no period constraint.

Congé: 1st Jun - 31 May. If i take more than 10 days between June 1st - Oct 31st && 10days are left at the end of October, congé  de Fractionnement (2days) will be added.

[WORD] Mathematical equation font

The font that have many mathematical equation.
Insert > Symbol
> Font: Cambria Math
> Subset: Mathematical Operators

2011-12-15 17h13_50.png

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Links on igoogle 1

Brazil’s economy - The devil in the deep-sea oil

FMI: le Japon doit réduire sa dette

French vacation system

Setlist - Paul Mccartney 2011 Paris

French school (open in the weekends)


Drilling, Cementing and Stimulation

Company bought: very good logging movie


load to COO

To do in Japan: Winter 2011-2012

  • Before back..

take ANA number
contact Emmanuel
take bookmarks of PCs

  • Book: 

Matlabの総合応用―例題による解説 [単行本]

超簡単 お金の運用術 (朝日新書) [新書]山崎 元
部下を動かす人事戦略 (PHP新書) [新書]
バカな人事 なぜ御社の人事は社員のやる気を失わせるのか? [単行本(ソフトカバー)]中村 壽伸
人事のプロ (THEORY BOOKS) [単行本]長尾 基晴
「NISSANのグローバル仕事術 英語だけではダメなのよ。」

  • Credit card

What is the best? "première" ?

  • See Em, Bn, My, Adr, Emmanuel

  • Arrange bookmarks

Sunday, December 4, 2011

DALF General info

Here are the C1 DALF test information in 2012.

1/ Schedule
January 20th (December 14th 2011)
March 23rd (February 21st 2012)
May 21st (April 11th 2012) - practice
July 27th (June 26th 2012)
Nov 23rd (October 23rd 2012) - target

2/ Price
212 € (if alliance students), 245 € (otherwise)

3/ Test content

Type of tests: C1
Mark out of
ListeningComprehension questionnaires dealing with recordings:
    - a long recording (interview, lesson, conference…) approximately eight minutes long (played twice)
    - several short radio broadcasts (newsflashes, surveys, adverts etc) (played once).
Maximum duration of recordings: 10 mins
40 minutes
/ 25
ReadingComprehension questionnaires dealing with a text of ideas (literary or journalistic), 1,500 to 2,000 words long.
0 h 50
/ 25
Two part test:
    - Summarise several written documents totalling approximately 1,000 words
    - write an essay with supporting arguments on the contents of the documents
   Candidate can choose between two fields: humanities and social studies, science
2 h 30
/ 25
A presentation based on a series of written documents, followed by a discussion with the examiners.
   Candidates can choose between two fields: humanities and social studies, science
0 h 30
preparation: 1 h
/ 25

Total duration of all tests: 4 h 00* Total mark out of 100.* Overall pass mark: 50/100* Pass mark per test: 5/25

4/ Reference

Thursday, December 1, 2011

[MS WORD] Page orientation change

Page layout > break > Next Page (new session) : this is the important part

Page Setup> (modify as you like) > Apply to : this session





Monday, November 28, 2011

[MS WORD] Caption

Computer tips 1 is putting Caption in WORD.

- How to set updated caption automatically?
Right click picture > Insert caption.

- How to cite in text keeping the link of update ?
References > Cross-reference.
(Note: font change seems not easy)


Wednesday, November 23, 2011



Saturday, November 19, 2011

Buying ANA ticket


2011年1月7日 広島-成田 22800円 (日時変更可能なら30000円)

Tokyo-Paris (one way): 6194 miles
Accumulated 12000 miles -> 18000 yen coupon


Sunday, November 13, 2011

PP plot and QQ plot

There are two methods that visually compare two distributions. One of them can be the theoretical distribution so the other can be tested if it fits the theoretical one. In both methods, if the distributions are similar, the plots aligns on the y = x line.

QQ plot is much easier to plot. "Most people these days prefer the qqplot to the pp plot, the qq-plot gives more room to the set of points that are generally most interesting."

1. PP plot (P: probability)
Compare two distributions by plotting the two cumulative distribution functions (CDF) against each other.

# Ex.
# Generate dummy distributions

dist_1 <- rvonmises(n=50, mu=circular(0), kappa=0.1)
dist_1 <- as.vector(dist_1)
dist_1 <- dist_1 %% pi
dist_1 <- sort(dist_1)
cdf_dist_1 <- dist_1/pi
# CDF of the uniform distribution
# f(x) = 1/(b-a) (a<x<b)
#       0       (x<a or x>b)

# Generate model distributions
i <- 1 : length(dist_1)
cdf_dist_model <- i/(length(dist_1)+1)

# Plot: This is the PP plot.
plot( cdf_dist_1, cdf_dist_model, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), pty="s" )
mtext( side=3, line=1, text=paste("PP plot"), cex=1.5)

pp.plot : Plots the empirical distribution of a data set against the best fitting von Mises distribution function

2. QQ plot (Q: quantile)
Compare two distributions by plotting their quantiles against each other.
q-quantile (0 =< q =< 1) is the value that divide distribution into q:1-q.
# Ex.
# Generate dummy distributions
dist_1 <- rt(200, df = 5)
dist_2 <- rt(200, df = 5)

# SORT two distributions
dist_1 <- sort(dist_1)
dist_2 <- sort(dist_2)

# Just plot: This is the QQ plot.
plot(dist_1, dist_2)


The nb of data of x and y can be different. We just see the quantile data point. This program is prepared in R.
qqplot (dist_1, dist_2) : Seems to be PP plot package : CDF functions in R

Télé française

On peut consulter les chaînes de télé ici.

Voici quelques chaînes qui a l'air pour moi.
15: 24 hours news
84: Tv5 monde
260: CNN
270: NHK world

Sinon on peut même regarder la télé sur internet.
La qualité n'est pas super mais ça va, c'est en fait mieux que keyhole tv.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Matlab Gmail

Matlab can send an email (maybe can't make a call, though). Here is how to do it with Gmail. I've just played with this and checked this works. Still don't know when to use it, though. (this is supposed to be used by people who work on long simulation)


% Define these variables appropriately:
mail_address = '';            % My E-Mail Address
user_name = 'linli';                          % My Username
password = 'likeiwilltellyoumypassword';      % My E-Mail Password
smtp_server = ';               % My SMTP Server
% Then this code will set up the preferences properly:
setpref('Internet', 'E_mail', mail_address);
setpref('Internet', 'SMTP_Username', user_name);
setpref('Internet', 'SMTP_Password', password);
setpref('Internet', 'SMTP_Server', smtp_server);
props = java.lang.System.getProperties;
props.setProperty('mail.smtp.auth', 'true');
props.setProperty('mail.smtp.socketFactory.class', '');
props.setProperty('mail.smtp.socketFactory.port', '465');

(copy from the link)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Iranian has difficulties to install in western countries... There is a Iranian intern student in our group. He is looking for a job in the oil industry, hopefully in France, as he studies reservoir engineering, but large western oil company do not want to hire any Iranians. Even if Iranians are hired, they don't have all access to the information in these companies. They refuse even to receive his CV so he cannot have any contacts.

In our company there are Iranians but they are ok, i.e., once they are hired, there are more or less protected by the local labor law.

He said his plan is to go to Canada, if he can't get a job.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Apartment (3)

What kind of apartments do you want to live in? Apartments in Paris varies enormously one to another. They are roughly categorized to 2: old style apartments and modern style apartments. Old style apartments are clearly different between 1900's 1930's, and modern styles 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and 2000's. The good points of old apartment is the beauty of its building. The good points of modern building is the comfort of inside. It is not surprising to have trouble in the old apartment, such as the leak of water, lack of hot water, noise from neighbors etc.

- Old or modern
- Shower
- with elevator or not

1. Look for an apartment on web sites
or . Se loger is the site where you can see the apartment offered by agencies, on the other hand pap is the site for individual deal.

2. Call the agent and make an appoint of the visit
You should check every day and if you find a nice one you have to call soon. The apartments will be rent within 2-3 days after it is come up in the market.

3. Visit apartment with the agent and make a decision
Visit can be a private visit and a group visit. Generally the time limit to choose is at the end of the same day of the visit.

4. Give your profile documents to the agent
Generally, there are a lot people who want to live. This is the deal between . Owner ask agent to find a good renter because sometimes renters stop paying the rent so owner want a reliable renter. Agent looks for applicants for the apartment and give the owner the profiles of the applicants.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Read csv file in C

Here is the C code to get csv file data.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "math.h"

int main(void){

FILE *fin;
float a=0;
int nb_data = 60, i=0;

float* ReadArray;
ReadArray = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nb_data);

/* open file */
if( (fin=fopen("TestData.csv","r")) == NULL ){
printf("file cant open\n");
/* get data one by one */
while( fscanf(fin,"%f,", &a) != EOF )
/* print */
ReadArray[i] = a;
printf( "read value=%f\n", ReadArray[i]);

fclose( fin );

French tax return

French citizen have to pay the taxes by oneself. There are two types of taxes - 1) taxes drawn from salary which companies pay so people don't have to deal with and 2) taxes I have to deal with by myself.


- 所得税 income tax

In this site (, we can quickly simulate the sum of tax we need to pay.
Generally, the amount corresponds to one month salary and proportional to the working period. If you started to work in June, you'll have to pay half of your one month salary.

- 住民税 resident tax

[ref. 1] Other taxes in France
- Consumption tax
5.5%。TVA(Tax à la Valeur Ajoutée) という。

[ref. 2] Tax in Japan
収入is brut、所得is net.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Antivirus soft

Recently bought McAfee antivirus software. As the package is written in French, I expected French version for the software itself. However once it is installed in my PC, all explications were in Japanese. This means that the software somehow recognized the mother language of my PC and adopted to the language. In fact, I wanted to see French interface just for my interest and for practicing my French... this is a shame.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Velib is much easier to use than I have been expecting. This is my impression after taking a ride for the first time since I arrived in France. Very comfortable to ride in.

Here are the problems. First, in France it is not allowed to use the walkway for bicycle so people use the car road like motorcycle. So there are bicycles in the big intersection and rotary between cars. Second, there are many one-way street in Paris and bicycles, of course, need to follow it. People have to use other non direct streets. Then how can you find it is one-way or not because there are no signs in many cases?? The most common way is to check the direction of parked cars, or if there are two traffic light on the both sides of the street, the street is one way.

Today there are 1800(!) Velib stations in/close to Paris and they are placed about every 300m.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why France?




Search apartment (2)

In Paris, the price of apartment has been going up since several years. One of my friend said to me that she bought an apartment in the 11th district when she was a student (now she is 30 years old), and renting it now.

is a free paper distributed every morning at the gate of metro stations in Paris.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Search apartmetn (1)

Finding a nice apartment is difficult in Paris. I found my current place through mixi, but I need to leave for some reason or another in not so long. This time, as I am newly hired as semi-expatriot, the company's agent helps me find an apartment. I just have to tell her the criteria and She does the research calling real estate agent and internet. My criteria are

- along the line 12 or 13
- less than 800 euros
she takes two or three days for the search so I needed to take an appointment in advance to be sure she can take enough time for the search. On May 24 she came over to me to pick me up then we went to see the apartments by her car. finally we did the visit of 9 apartments in or outside Paris. Still it is very difficult to choose one.

What is important is to "work well". Definitely. I didn't chose this time. We will do the second visit next month (June).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Note for moving to abroad

1.外国でproof of marriage registrationは、婚姻届の受理証明書(旧姓のっている)が


Monday, May 2, 2011

Japanese Pension (2)

Japan has an agreement of premium of pension between other main countries
In France, companies have to pay the premium of employees.

This site discuss the point of residence registry
: in my case, thanks to the agreement, the premium I will pay in France will be valid in Japan. so I don't have to pay premium here in Japan, so I should not register my residence in Japan.

easy-to-understand Japanese pension system

Friday, April 29, 2011

Japanese prepaid mobile

Even for a short stay in Japan, you will need mobile phone for many practical reason.
The prepaid type mobile offered by Softbank is very useful for a short stay.

Note that docomo doesn't have this service any more (before they had). AU has the prepaid phone service, but the financial situation of AU has been apparently not good since several years, so this seemed to be kind of dangerous, as you may want to use it for next several years.

First, you need to buy these
1. mobile phone (prepaid type) : the price depends on the type, but mine was 2500 yen or so.
2. prepaid card : 2 types, 3000yen and 5000yen.

To activate it, call "1400", then follow the instruction
1. Charge credit: just give the number of mobile card
2. Register free email service: this cost you 300yen, but this is cost-effective I think. this service is only for 30 days, so you have to do it again if you use more than the period.

Every time you come to Japan, you just have to buy the card and do the above.
The credit is valid for 2 months from the date you charged.
The number is valid for 1 year after the last credit is expired.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Summer time

Summer time started last Sunday. At 2 am people have to set their clock back one hour.

I love this season. I feel very happy just for the change. The photo is taken at 8:45 pm.

In Japan summer time existed between 1948 and 1951, but the bad reputation abolished it.
So what happened with summer time in Japan?
In fact, people was forced to work (by their bosses or, I guess, spontaneously) longer...

Monday, March 28, 2011





F test for regression




H0: 「全ての係数がゼロであるものと、得られた回帰式の、2群間の分散に差がない(等分散である)」


xを説明変数(explanatory variable)、yを目的変数(objective variable)とすると

summary( lm(y~x) )

result = regstats(y,x)


Sunday, March 27, 2011

How to backup Iphone data

Data in I phone should be backuped sometimes.

Iphone photo take in from
accesories > Scanner and Camera Wizard

Distance Between cities!

Paris-Amobise 190km
Tokyo-Osaka 390km
Tokyo-Nagoya 260km
Oshima-Hiroshima 54km
Hiroshima-Osaka 283km

Number of Employees in Big Entreprises

Japex 1,735
Inpex 1,724
Total 96,390
BP 80,300
Exxon 79,900
Petro china 477,780
China National Offshore Oil Corp. 51,000
Halliburton 52,000
Toyota 71,106 (group total 320,808)
Renault 124,300
Panasonic 384,586

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Upload DVD files to YouTube

.VOB to .MPEG(etc), by Any Video Converter



C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\MyDocuments\Any Video Converter\MPEGI

Trimming max 15min, by Real Player Trimmer

If Real is not good, Kate’s video cutter (free soft) is ok. Windows Movie Maker is not useful for trimming.

DL expiration in Japan

(高齢者講習を終了された方 8:30~16:00)


English interview / news

- Gulf oil spill related news

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Driver's Licence

International DL that is given in Japan is valid only one year.

On the other hand, with a proper procedure in France, you can change (semi-permanent) French DL. The company's personnel will do it if you are employee.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What I did in Japan (30 Jan - 20 Feb)




Enseigner le français au Japon

J'ai posé une question à une amie français qui habite à Osaka. C'est pour mon ami français, qui habite à Paris et qui veut aller au japon et travailler un peu pour vivre.
Je crois que si anglais ou amrican, ça sera pas trop difficle car avec le boum d'intérêt de la langue anglaise.
Pour ce qui est des écoles de langues. Est-ce que ton ami parle japonais ? C'est un point important. Après, as-il de l'expérience en tant qu'enseignant ? Ces deux points sont très importants, si ce n'est pas le cas, c'est un peu risqué... Après, il faut savoir que c'est un travail très mal rémunéré au Japon, mais qui demande beaucoup d'efforts et de travail. Du coup, c'est bien pour une période courte, mais beaucoup abandonnent au bout d'un moment, et se tournent vers un autre travail. La solution la plus intéressante est de participer au programme JET (voir leur site web). Ils permettent d'enseigner sa langue maternelle au Japon avec une rémunération intéressante et dans des conditions idéales. Mais la sélection est rude : encore faut-il une forte motivation, un très bon niveau de japonais, et au moins une petite expérience en enseignement.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Banyuls is a sweet red wine.
Brouilly is a red light fruity wine.
Grains de Giare is a sweet white wine.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

France-Japan Cultural Gap

This site lists the interesting comparison between France and Japan.
Cultural comparison is always interesting. This site describes very well. From my experience, these are considerably right. France and Japan have many common points but if you step back and look at both objectively these two countries are very very different.

The more I stay in France and learn French language, the more I feel I never be able to understand French. But what is important will not be to understand, but to feel home and like it. The reason will come from another source.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Least Square Method (LMS)

I'm currently working on a project which requires least square method, either linear and non linear. there are several ways to use it, like how we define its residual. I was trying to find best answer, but it was hard. In this case, this is a helpful advice.

LSM with weight is needed for robust estimation.