Friday, May 2, 2014

Social security feuille de soin - address

When the carte vital is not accepted at a hospital (ex. american hospital), we have to send the document "La feuille de soin" to the social security office by ourselves to get refunded.

General instruction of La feuille de soin

Where to send?

Give old clothes - Le Relais

Le Relais is a group of companies, which deals with the recycle/reuse of clothes.
We can put the clothes which we don't wear any more in a box installed in several places in France. Then Le Relais separates the clothes based on their condition in order to sell at shops (Ding Fring), export to Africa, wiping cloth, material, or dispose as waste.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Free and quick disposition of big trash in Paris

Free and quick disposition of big trash in Paris

I had a mattress to dispose, Mairie de Paris has a service to pick up big trashes. It is free and very quick. I could order a pick up in the evening on the day.
From formulaire in Enlèvement d'un objet encombrant: mode d'emploi