# -------------------------------------------------
# descripton
# name : 1d normal distribution
# -------------------------------------------------
# ***********************
# sub functions
# ***********************
# normal distribution
# same as dnorm() but using var instead of sd
normDist <- function(X,mu,vari) {
1/sqrt(2*pi*vari) * exp( - (X-mu)^2 / (2*vari) )
# log liklifood (posterior probability)
logLikelihood <- function(X, mu, vari, Pi, K)
Sum <- 0.0
N <- length(X) # number of data
for(n in 1:N)
tmp <- 0.0
for(k in 1:K)
tmp <- tmp + ( Pi[k] * normDist(X[n],mu[k],vari[k]) )
# Note: "log" computes natural logarithms
Sum <- Sum + log(tmp)
# ***********************
# main computation
# ***********************
# -----------------------
# Prepare data
# -----------------------
# load Old Faithful dataset, and normalize
xx <- scale(faithful, apply(faithful, 2, mean), apply(faithful, 2, sd));
X <- xx[,1] # take only the first column this time.
X <- scale(X) # normalize, so that mean is 0 and var is 1. (why necessary?)
N = length(X)
# nb of distribution
K <- 2
# initialize the parameters
mu <- 0
# Note: vari <- mat.or.vec(1,K) can make zero matrix but in R
# increasing the array length in loops is OK, so it is not necessary
# to write like this.
increment <- 2/(K-1) # 2 is from 1 - (-1)
for(k in 1:K)
# separately distribute between (-1, 1)
mu[k] <- -1 + increment*(k-1)
vari <- 0
for(k in 1:K)
# set to 1 for all distribution
vari[k] <- 1
Pi <- 0
for(k in 1:K)
Pi[k] <- 1/K
# for analysis
mu_initial <- mu
Pi_initial <- Pi
# prepare responsibility
resp <- mat.or.vec(N,K)
# compute initial log likelihood
like <- logLikelihood(X, mu, vari, Pi, K)
# initialize
likearray <- 0
nbIteration <- 1
# -----------------------
# E-step:
# compute the responsibility with the current parameters
# -----------------------
for(n in 1:N)
# prepare denominator
denominator = 0
for(k in 1:K)
denominator <- denominator + Pi[k] * normDist(X[n], mu[k], vari[k])
# compute responsibility
for(k in 1:K)
resp[n,k] <- Pi[k] * normDist(X[n], mu[k], vari[k]) / denominator
# -----------------------
# M-step:
# recompute the parameters with the computed responsibility.
# -----------------------
# initialize
mu_new <- 0
vari_new <- 0
Pi_new <- 0
for(k in 1:K)
# compute Nk
Nk <- 0.0
for(n in 1:N)
Nk <- Nk + resp[n,k]
# recompute mean
mu_new[k] <- 0.0
for(n in 1:N)
mu_new[k] <- mu_new[k] + resp[n,k] * X[n]
mu_new[k] <- mu_new[k]/Nk
# recompute variance
vari_new[k] <- 0.0
for(n in 1:N)
vari_new[k] <- vari_new[k] + resp[n, k] * (X[n]-mu_new[k])^2
vari_new[k] <- vari_new[k]/Nk
# recompute mix ratio
Pi_new[k] <- Nk/N
# -----------------------
# judge of convergence
# -----------------------
like_new <- logLikelihood(X, mu_new, vari_new, Pi_new, K)
Diff <- like_new - like
# debug
likearray[nbIteration] <- like
like <- like_new
mu <- mu_new
vari <- vari_new
Pi <- Pi_new
#if(nbIteration == 20)
if(Diff < 0.01)
# print
cat("nb of iteration", nbIteration, "\n")
for(k in 1:K)
cat( "**** distribution", k, "****", "\n") # paste() is not necessary
cat( "mean: ", mu[k], "\n")
cat( "variance: ", vari[k], "\n")
cat( "pi: ", Pi[k], "\n", "\n")
nbIteration <- nbIteration + 1
} # close "while(1)"
# ***********************
# Dispaly
# ***********************
# -----------------------------------
# likelihood conversion bihavoir
# -----------------------------------
plot(likearray, type="o")
title("likelihood bihavoir")
# -------------------------------------------------------
# original data and the estimated mixed distribution
# -------------------------------------------------------
hist(X, breaks=seq(-3,3,0.2), xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(0,1), freq=FALSE,
main="", xlab="", ylab="")
a <- seq(-5,5,length=1000)
for(k in 1:K)
plot( a, dnorm(a, mu[k], sqrt(vari[k]))*Pi[k], xlab="", ylab="",
xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", col=k+1)
title(main="data and estimation", xlab="x", ylab="density")